Water, Sanitation & Health

Evaluation of a sustainable social enterprise in Latin America; evaluation and selection of grants in the area of water scarcity; Study on HIV/AIDS in Spain; Solutions for affordable, healthy [...]

Science & Technology

Management of foundation focused on highlighting the latest insights from a variety of scientific disciplines

Arts & Culture

Management of cultural foundation in Switzerland; Social Return on Investment (SROI) analysis of a cultural project in Latin America with a budget of over $US 10 million

Social Innovation

Study on Inter-generational Equality in Switzerland; Social Innovation for Government Offices in Switzerland; Review of a national Social Innovation Fund; Policy Crowd Innovation Campaign in [...]


Capacity Building in refugee camps in Tindouf; Re-integration of returning migrants in Albania and Kosovo; Campaign and exhibition on migration in Switzerland; Emergency refugee relief in Italy, [...]


Social Enterprises in Food Production in Latin America; Communication of technology for sustainable maize production in East Africa; Study on Care Farming System in Switzerland

Empowerment of Women

Domestic Violence and Female Empowerment around the world; Female Genital Mutilation in Senegal; Female Employment in Tindouf; Gender and Leadership workshops in Switzerland; Gender Equality in [...]

Education and Youth

University scholarships for Burmese students in Thailand; Youth Lawyers; Youth Unemployment in Switzerland; Impact Investing in Education; School Reconstructions and Humanitarian Aid in Tindouf, [...]